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同光同志長老教會 Tong-Kwang Light House Presbyterian Church


[證道] 寡婦的奉獻 [Sermon]The Widow’s Offering (SIMON)

中文版 English









在聖經今天經文裡面給我們看見一個女人的生命,在可12:41-44說到一個寡婦的奉獻,寡婦是什麽人?就是一個失去了丈夫的女人!對不對?在古猶太社會,女人在社會沒有什麼地位,一個沒丈夫的女人更加淒慘,一個又窮又沒丈夫的女人更加沒有價值。所以這一個的寡婦可以説是當時沒有價值 沒有地位,被人看不起的邊緣之人!









寡婦的奉獻是一個完全的奉獻,我們看V42,寡婦奉獻了多少錢? V42說:兩個小錢,就是一個大錢。如果兩個小錢的價值就等於一個大錢的價值,爲什麽聖經要如此重復的寫?就乾脆寫一個大錢或者兩個小錢就好了阿!對不對?弟兄姐妹,我告訴你,兩個小錢就是一個大錢表面看去價值是一樣的,但是你細心的去研討,你會發現整個奉獻的心態完全不一樣! (馬來西亞的錢:五毛和一塊,主日學學生,台幣50和100)。




完全的奉獻不但是指金錢的奉獻(寡婦的奉獻很少阿),完全的奉獻乃是指我們願意全然的擺上,將我們整個身、心、靈, 都獻給我們的上帝。正如保羅在羅12:1:將身體獻上,當作活祭,是聖潔的,是神所喜悅的;你們如此事奉,乃是理所當然的。所以這段經文給我們看見擺上自己跟事奉是息息相關的,是跟生命有關的,上帝看重的乃是一個生命的奉獻,是將生命的主權交託在神的手中。寡婦就是這樣的一個人,她看見上帝就是她的一切,不是一切都是她的上帝(解釋)。


親愛的弟兄姐妹,你今天看到上帝就是你的一切,還是一切都是你的上帝呢?寡婦的奉獻很多嗎?不見的!只是兩個小錢就是一個大錢,但耶穌基督爲什麽那麽看重?因爲奉獻,問題不是你擁有多少,問題是你願意擺上多少?上帝不是要你奉獻完全,上帝乃是要你完全的奉獻 。















(David Backham 的故事)。親愛的弟兄姐妹,這個就是信心的跳躍,跳躍你的理性,跳躍你所想,所分析的,你看這位姐妹,她個子那麽小,腳那麼短,你怎麽想也想不通爲什麽她跑的那麼快!因爲她的信心和盼望建立在一個球星的身上,所以就發揮了很大的力量。





















Good – God = 0(好的事情失去了神,就等於零);

0 + God = Good(沒有,加上了神,就等於美好)。

她雖然什麼都沒有(0) 但是因為她的生命有了上帝(God),

她的生命就變的 更加美好、豐盛及有力量(Good)。(解釋)













Topic: The Widow’s Offering

Bible passage : Mark 12:41-44

Pastor Simon


Dear brothers and sisters, peace be to you in our Lord Jesus Christ. I thank God for His grace and guidance, that we can gather once again here in this church to worship and serve Him together. I would also like to thank my good friend, Pastor Cai, for bringing me to visit and serve in many different churches during my stay in Taiwan. I know that your church pastor is from Hong Kong, and it’s not an easy task, crossing oceans to serve in a country with languages different then that of your home country. This, I believe is an offering of courage.


When we visit other countries as foreigners, the most worrying thing is to be marginalized. My first trip overseas was to Taiwan, but I never felt marginalized. Instead I felt I was being slowly assimilated. There were occasions when on the street, I was approached by locals asking for directions, and I was able to answer them quite naturally. After answering, I then realized that I am not from Taiwan. How great it felt for me to not be discriminated against, despised, or marginalised. But this morning, we are going to look at a person who was despised, bullied, and even marginalised in the Bible.


In today’s scripture, we look at a particular woman’s life. Mark 12:41-44 tells the story of a widow’s offering. Who was this widow? She was one who had lost her husband. Women had no status in ancient Jewish society. A woman without a husband was worse, and a poor woman without a husband had even less societal status. So this widow could be described as a marginalised person who had no value, no status and was looked down upon by those around her at that time!


Yet what did the Lord Jesus say to His disciples? In V43, He said that the poor widow put more into the treasury than all the others. The “others” mentioned here may be referring to the scribes, or those who took the widow’s property, or hypocrites, or the wealthy who were making offerings at that time. Regardless who they were, none of them impressed Jesus. Instead, Jesus was impressed by the widow’s offering and praised her selfless act. More importantly, He wanted to teach His disciples a lesson through her act of giving. And who were the disciples? They were men who had followed Jesus for years, and yet Jesus wanted them to learn this lesson on giving from a widow, a marginalised person.


Dear brothers and sisters, the widow’s offering not only served as an example for the disciples at that time, but also for us Christians today.


What’s so special about the widow’s offering? What lessons does Jesus want to teach us? Let’s ponder today what kind of giving was the widow’s offering?


1) An Offering of Completeness

The widow’s offering is a giving of everything. Let’s look at V42. How much money did the widow give? V42 says: “Two small copper coins, which makes a penny”. If the value of two small coins is equal to the value of a penny, why did the Bible repeat itself? Just write a penny or two small copper coins! Brothers and sisters, I’m telling you that even though the two are of the same value on the surface, but if you study it carefully, you will find that the mentality of giving either of the two is completely different! (Malaysian money: 2 fifty cents coin vs 1 one dollar coin; Sunday school students, 2 NT$50 vs 1 NT$100).


Here we can see that in fact, the widow had the option of not giving God everything she had. She could have just given one copper coin instead of two. Yet she did not do so. Instead, she used this opportunity to offer up everything she had to God. And that, is why Jesus said: This poor widow offered more into the treasury than the others, because her giving was one of everything she had.


OFFERING COMPLETELY DOESN’T JUST MEAN THE GIVING OF MONEY (THE AMOUNT WHICH THE WIDOW GAVE WAS VERY LITTLE), BUT IT ALSO MEANS THAT WE ARE WILLING TO GIVE OUR WHOLE BODY, HEART AND SOUL TO OUR GOD COMPLETELY. Just as Paul said in Romans 12:1: “Offer your body as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God; it is therefore reasonable for you to serve in this way”. This verse shows us that offering ourselves is closely related to service and life. What God values is the offering of our lives and entrusting it to His sovereignty. The widow is such a person. She sees that God is everything to her, rather then her everything being her God.


Dear brothers and sisters, do you see God as your everything, or your everything as your God? Did the widow give a lot of money? No! It’s just two small copper coins. Yet why did Jesus value it so much? Because in offering, the question is not how much you have, but how much are you willing to offer up? God doesn’t want you to offer up everything that you own, but God does wants you to offer up of yourself completely.


(The solace when a husband is looking at photos of his wife). Thus, this is a matter of where you set your eyes upon?


Because the widow saw first her God of everything, so she is willing to respond by offering up completely;

Because she saw first her Master of abundance , so she did not see what she lacked;

Because she saw first her Lord of blessings, so she did not care how others saw her.


Today, how do we view our Lord? How you view God will determine how you walk through life, and how full your life can be. The aborigines in Sabah, although they were not rich, they would take the first batch of their crops and offer it up to God. Or they would give it to God’s servants. Sometimes even though they didn’t enough to eat themselves, when they knew that we would be visiting them, they would offer us their best food as a sign of complete hospitality. I witness their complete devotion in giving, even when they did not have everything in life. When we choose to serve our God, no matter what position you hold, if your vision is not completely focused on God first, but rather only see the imperfections in people, then your service is only to gain the approval of man, rather then a response to God’s calling. The widow saw God completely first, so her response was unreserved and she offered up everything to the Lord.


2) An Offering of Faith

The Widows’ offering was not only one of complete giving, but it was also an offering of her faith ! A priest once said: Real giving depends not on how much you give, but on how much you have left. ( Personal witness) Let me ask you, how much did she have left after her offering? She had only two small copper coins, but she gave God all that she had. Such giving is definitely an offering of faith as well. Jesus said in V44 “the others gave out of their abundance, but she gave out of her poverty and and she gave everything she had to live on”. Such giving is an offering of faith, completely believing and trusting in God’s grace.


Someone described Belief as this, Belief = Faith + Hope; you have faith in what you hope for, and you hope in what you believe in. That’s the widow. She placed her hope in God, so her eyes of faith was focused on God. She offered up all she had because her faith saw the invisible God. The philosopher and theologian Søren Kierkegaard said something about faith that I think can help us grow in our faith : “A leap of faith, leap over what? Leap over your reasoning!”. It means that your faith must exceed your reasoning, and by your belief, you surpass beyond your reasoning (ie more than what you think or analyse). Such a leap of faith will produce a powerful belief.


(The story of David Backham). Dear brothers and sisters, this is a leap of faith, a leap over your reasoning, going beyond your thinking and analytical mind. Look at this girl, she’s small build, and her legs are so short. You wonder out how she could run so fast! Because her faith and hope was build on a soccer star, and that belief produced a powerful force.


We Christians too have a focus of our faith, which is our Almighty God. The question is how much faith and hope do you have in Him? The widow’s offering showed us her absolute faith through her act of offering up all that she had. Not only did Jesus praised her, He also used her faith to help build His disciples’ faith. I’m from Sabah, which has the second largest state of Malaysian Christians, and the largest is our neighboring state Sarawak. Why are there so many Christians in Sabah? One of the main reason is due to the Hakka Christians, who labored through the Basel denomination church and sowed the seeds of faith in the early years by sharing the gospel to the Aboriginal people of Sabah. During that time, there was no water, electricity or roads out in the countryside, and the government didn’t care about it. By their faith and love, the church not only brought salvation to the aborigines, but also provided them the means to help improve their basic living conditions.


Looking back, this denomination with a history of more than 100 years, we had no money, manpower or resources during those years. But it was by our faith and love that we were able to help our aboriginal people that resulted in Sabah being second largest Christian state in Malaysia today (most of them are our aborigines). In this way, God has never forgotten the Chinese churches in Sabah. Till this day, we are still planting new churches together with our aboriginal brothers and sisters.


Brothers and sisters, we should learn from this widow. Even when we know that we are weak and lacking, because we have absolute faith in God, we can bravely carry on and face all the challenges in our paths. I believe that our faithful God will keep His promises, that He is a responsible God. To those whom He has called, He will be responsible to carry them to the end.


3) An Offering of Courage

The widow’s offering was an offering of everything, of faith, and more importantly, an offering of courage! Look at V44, she knew that she had little to offer, but she was willing to give up all of what she had to live on.

中文版 English