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同光同志長老教會 Tong-Kwang Light House Presbyterian Church



中文版 English





直到我在台南念研究所時 (1996),在網路上認識了同光教會的楊雅惠牧師,牧師趁著到南部巡迴演講時來看我,並為我禱告。從此之後,為了成立南部的同志團契,楊牧師介紹了幾位在南部的同志友好牧師來幫助我。











「主的靈在我身上,因為他用膏膏我,叫我傳福音給貧窮的人,差遣我宣告:被擄的得釋放,失明的得看見,受壓迫的得自由,宣告 神悅納人的禧年。」 (路加福音四18-19) 感謝 主耶穌的恩典!


I encountered Christianity at a conservative church in southern Taiwan. I participated in Sunday School, youth fellowship, and joined the Campus Evangelical Fellowship in university, Christianity is always an essential and inseparable part of my life.


As I became an adult, my gay identity conflicted severely with traditional Christian teaching, this disruption made me extremely confused and helpless. Neither could I change my gay identity nor abandon this belief, I felt that those teenage years were spent being taken captive in darkness and there was no escape.


When I studied graduate school in Tainan around 1996. I knew Pastor Yang Ya Hui of Tong-Kwang Church from the internet. She seized the chance while giving a series of lectures in southern Taiwan to visit and pray for me. From then on, in order to establish LGBT fellowship in southern Taiwan, Pastor Yang introduced few LGBT-friendly pastors to help me.


These friendly pastors of Presbyterian Churches in Taiwan shared their perspectives on the Bible and LGBT, which made me feel that God finally made a way for me.


In 2000, I left Taiwan to study abroad for a few years. The place where I stayed at that time was a small town without any LGBT friendly church, I had no choice but to hide my gay identity to interact with fellow brothers and sisters. I finally had chance to join Tong Kwang Church when I returned to Taipei in 2003.


When I was in non-LGBT-affirming churches, the authority of exegesis was on pastors and elders, who instilled biblical inerrancy to church members. They also discouraged brothers and sisters from proposing different interpretations for the passages other than conventional ones. In other words, they expected that believers totally submit themselves to church authority and follow literally what is stated in the Bible. Staying in that environment, I often felt incriminated and could only choose to hide my gay identity and put on a false front while in church life. But all these years in Tong-Kwang Church, I have acquainted with many LGBT-friendly pastors, whose sharing and guidance brought me new understanding of the Bible. It is because Tong-Kwang Church that accepts different sexual identities, fellow brothers and sisters were able to interact naturally. It is also because of equal treatment of different sexual identities that I was able to see people of many different types being true to themselves, and the love of God has never left. This is something I have never experienced in other churches.


Thanks to God’s leading, I came to Tong-Kwang Church and have gotten familiar with LGBT-friendly pastors and sincere fellow brothers and sisters. Something that was especially touching for me is that these LGBT-friendly pastors do not fear any attack from the mainstream groups, and they not only actively come to understand and care for the LGBT group but also joined us on the streets to campaign for LGBT rights.


During this journey in the faith, what is most precious for me is that the Christian framework and values cultivated since my childhood has been thoroughly transformed. Regardless of things about God or people, I have different opinions. Although I am no longer the mindless and obedient Christian, I feel that I am free. I do not just respect and fear Him from afar, I feel that I can more freely love God and be intimate to Him.

中文版 English